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Best low light indoor plants

  1. Aglaonema
  2. Nephrolepis Exalata
  3. Heart-Leaf Philodendron
  4. Calatheas And Marantas
  5. Spider Plants
  6. Swiss Cheese Plant
  7. Areca Palm
  8. Hoyas
  9. Cast Iron Plant
  10. Mother-In-Law’s-Tongue
  11. Peace Lily
  12. Parlour Palm
  13. Silver Inch Plant
  14. Pepperomia
  15. Monstera Deliciosa
  16. Sansevieria Trifasciata
  17. Pachira Money Tree
  18. Dracaena Fragrans
  19. Sansevieria Zeylanica
  20. Cordyline Fruticosa
  21. Calathea

I'm a Content Editor with a focus on the gardens and lifestyle